Intrapreneurial Mind Set v/s Establishment Mind Set : Activity Corner; July'08
/Every effective employee has Intrapreneurial/Entrepreneurial traits that may or may not culminate in an Entrepreneurial life.
To determine whether you have an Intrapreneurial mind set read the following statements and indicate whether you agree more with choice A or choice B. Choose responses that come closest to how you usually feel or act. There are no right or wrong responses.
Scoring Key
Tick the option you have selected in each of set of statements.
Give 1 point each for each tick. If you have more points in Intrapreneurial mind set you lean towards having an Intrapreneurial mind set. Similarly if you have more points in Establishment mindset you lean towards having an Establishment mindset.
Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs are people who focus on innovation and creativity and who transform a dream or an idea into a profitable venture; either by operating within an organization or by starting up their own venture independently. In contrast some individuals prefer stability, security and the status of being in their chosen field in the organization they work for and strive to succeed by operating within the organizational environment.
Note: The above questions are compiled based on an interview excerpt of Mr.Gifford Pinchot who invented the term ‘Intrapreneurship’ ( and an article by Vimarsh Bajpai, Senior Assistant Editor, DARE magazine, CyberMedia (